Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Excuses and Results!

Today I finally unpacked my last Bathroom box. We moved into my mom's house about a year ago and I still have not unpacked everything. For many reason's I have been putting this off and off and off. Mostly because I just don't feel good. When you have only so much given energy in a day you really pick and choose what you are going to spend that energy on. And some days are less then others! I have gotten rid of most of my stuff just simply because I didn't have the energy to go through them all and because my mom was getting sick of all of our boxes stuffed into here and there. Now unpacking this box is not the last of my boxes, but I am feeling pretty proud of this accomplishment right now. You see I put this box in Josh and my bathroom to unpack like SIX months or so ago, thinking that if it was in the place it was needing to be unpacked that I would get to it sooner rather then later! And Josh has been patiently stepping over it and pushing it aside. He has asked me a few times when I was going to get this done...bless his heart! Today I came home from picking up the girls and I got it done! Yeah me! I even cleaned the bathroom while I put things away...I know big day for me! Now let's be honest...is anyone feeling better about themselves right now! I know that my dad is just looking down on me right now shaking his head and wanting to tell me to be a better wife, and I know that he is right. He would always say that there are excuses and there are results, and the excuses don't mean anything! Well here is to getting some results done today! And I just can't wait to see what Josh says when he comes home and finds that he doesn't have to step over any boxes in our bathroom! Maybe tomorrow I will tackle the storage room!

1 comment:

  1. You are a good wife. In the long run, unpacked boxes don't mean too much. It's the time you spend with Josh and the girls that counts. You just get done what you can and take care of yourself. That is the most important thing!!
