Sunday, October 28, 2012

Elizabeth's Halloween Piano Recital

Elizabeth's Halloween Piano Recital is a more casual recital and it is in the form of a game. Everyone gets this paper with all the songs that will be performed and all the names of the performers and you have to guess what the person is playing by the clues they give you. They can give you clues a few different ways...they can be dressed like the part, they can have props to help give a clue or they can act out the clue.
Elizabeth dressed up like her part and also had props. Her song was Witches, Bats & Howling Cats. So she dressed like a witch and had a cat and bat to show them. She said she wasn't nervous and she did a wonderful job...of course she forgot to tell us all her name and she really wouldn't look out at the crowd, but she played her piece and took her bow and sat down with out acting like too much of  a dork, so we call that a success! Isabelle and Conrad also take lessons from the same teacher so they were there too and did WONDERFUL jobs with playing the piano. This was Conrad's first piano recital and I have to say he did very well!
 CAL's song was B.I.N.G.O. so he was a dog (Cory is so talented with make-up)! Isabelle's song was Goblins on Parade and she had a banner and marched to the piano.
Abby clapped for everyone and got a picture with the dog! She can't wait until it is her time to start piano lessons so that she can do these things too! 

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