Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Last Day of School!

The last day of school started off early! I got there first thing because the other room mom in Elizabeth's class and I were taking over Miss Bracey's class to give her, her gift from the whole class! Miss Bracey has been SO wonderful all year. I swear I think that she is as cute as a cartoon character and do believe that little birdies come and do her hair in the morning! So we wanted to spoil her for the end of her very first year teaching! We put together a box filled with brown paper packages tied up with string because these were a few of her favorite things...did you get comes from the song from the movie Sound of Music which just happen to be one of her favorite movies! So we filled it with a few of her favorite is the list...Fruit: Strawberries, Candy: Hot Tamales, Snacks: Chex Mix, The Outdoors: A outdoor cup that she can keep her drink in, Food: A $25 gift card to Zupas her favorite place to eat, Jamba Juices: A $25 gift card to Jamba Juice, Dates: Two movie tickets, Some smart cookies that had a note thanking her for making everyone such smart cookies.  And then we had a book made up for her. In it had each child's picture with a letter written by them to her. A week or so before we took over her class and had each kid write a letter to her. I was hilarious what these kids came up with. Some talked about how nice she was and thanked her for teaching them. There were a few that commented on her beauty, but my favorite was the kid that told her that even though she (the kid) was smarted then her (Miss Bracey) he appreciated her teaching her what she could!  This is for real! We laughed so hard and Miss Bracey loved it. 
Here is Elizabeth's 3rd grade has been fun getting to be a small part of it as a room mom...but I am also SO happy it is over!
Right after Elizabeth's class thing I went straight to Abby's class Party! Yes she had a party for the last day...oh to be young! First her teacher handed out awards to each of the students with different candy's that coordinated with the award. It was very cute. Then we went outside and played kickball with the class. After it was sidewalk chalk and Popsicles. And that ended Abby's 1st grade year of school!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! They are so lucky to have a room mother like you. I didn't know they existed. I love all of your fun and creative ideas. I think everyone is glad school is over this year. It has been one of those years.
