Saturday, April 12, 2014

Spring Break In Moab! Day 1

If you are shocked that we spent our spring break camping...well I am too! For the past few years the Little Andersen's have invited us to go camping with them and every year Josh basically laughs and says no!  He is not exactly the camping type of person. We have meant to go camping with the girls a few times but it never seems to work out and by now our kids don't believe us if we say that we are going to go camping.  This trip was no different. We told the girls that we were going to go down to Moab and camp during spring break a few weeks before spring break and I don't think the girls believed that we were actually camping until we set up the tent when we got down to Moab! Yep the trust has been lost with these girls when it comes to this subject! But I was determined to go so even when the Little Andersen's couldn't come we still went with the big Anderson's...and we had SO MUCH FUN! Well the girls and I did...Josh...your guess is as good as mind... the only thing that he shows ANY emotion with involves his truck!
We headed down to Moab on Tuesday afternoon and got to camp and set up our tents and got ready for dinner! We planned to do tinfoil dinners that night with a duch-oven candy bar cake! It was awesome! (side note- our theme song for the trip was "Everything is Awesome" from the movie The Lego Movie...and we sang it ALL week LONG!)
We ate and went to bed to get ready for our busy next day! And so our Moab trip begins!!

1 comment:

  1. This looks like so much fun. Everything always tastes so good out in nature. Glad you were able to finally go camping and use your tent, etc. Yep - I know what you mean about all the emotions these boys show. They get that from their dad not me. I'm sure he loved it though.
