Friday, September 18, 2009

A "MOM" Lesson!

I am sure that through the years most if not all mom's have heard these small simple words screamed at them at the tops of their child's yelps, "Your A Mean MOM!" Or at least some sort a variation of that phrase! I have recently found that I too am not exempt from this! If fact I have heard these words screamed at me just about every day this week, and by my child who you most likely would least expect. My sweet Elizabeth is coming into a new stage of her life and one that I hope doesn't last too much longer. She has now realized that she doesn't like it when I ask her do to ANYTHING that she doesn't feel like doing. This includes and is not limited to homework (because after all home is not for work its for play!), chores, and pretty much anything that I would have the audacity to ask her to do that she doesn't feel like doing! I do have to say that she does like her father a lot more these days and is VERY happy when he gets home from work. After being around her unreasonable, demanding, and just plain mean mom all day, she runs to Josh with hugs and kisses! At least until he tells her to mind her mother! At times it does make me sad to hear my child yell and scream a me but in the end I think I have learned a very important lesson...If you are doing it right your not going to get out of parenting with out being told once or twice (probably more) that you are MEAN! I have decided I'm OK with this so the next time I tell her its time to clean up and she throws her hands in the air and yells that I'm a Mean Mom I will just think, "Oh good I must be doing something right!"


  1. Just means you are doing your job! Keep up the good work! ;o)

  2. Yes, you are doing a great job with the girls. But you can't blame her for trying. After all, if she could get it to work she would have it made for life. (and so would Abby) Give them kisses and hugs for me. Tell them they can always come live with Grandma, but I am much meaner than their mom.

  3. You are a MEAN mommy! Geesh Carrie! JK... I've heard it many times, the worst though is "I hate you" or "I like Daddy more then you" guess you can't win them all!
