Saturday, November 17, 2012

A Really New Look!

I've never really thought of myself as a really vain person. I only wear make-up on Sunday's and maybe just maybe sporadically I will put it on through out the week...but not usually. I've also never been much into getting my hair done, which my sister Cory reminds me to go do when she can see my grey...which is almost every time I see her. If my hair isn't done I usually just put a hat on and call it good. However, I have discovered recently that their is a bit of a girly girl in me after all.
I have been on some pretty strong medicine for a while now to help with my aggressive arthritis. However, the side effects were less then pleasing. One of which I started loosing a bit of my hair. And let me tell you hair is really important to a girl...I don't care how not a girly girl you are you start to lose it and it becomes VERY important!  Now I had worked really hard growing it back after having to cut it after they shaved the back of my head for brain surgery and I was finally getting passed the bad stage when it was getting thin and stringy, and with thin hair already that wasn't a good look. So I had my good friend cut it for me, just short enough to make it so it wasn't so stringy. Then I decided to stop taking my medicine and what do you know my hair started to grow back. However for anyone that has experienced re-growth...well it sucks! I had a bunch of little hairs all sticking up all over my head! So I cut some bangs to help with it in the front of my head...and that didn't work because Josh started calling me Velma! You know from Scooby-Doo! He would say, "Hey Velma have you seen Scooby?" Or "have you solved any good mysteries lately?" And that is not what you want your husband to think of you as. And I have to be honest I did look like her! So after the last week of wearing a hat I decided it all needed to come off and lets just start again. So once again I went to Lynae and she cut if all off for me. I feel a little bad because I think that I started to cry a little when she was done, but it's all off and I can't glue it back on no matter how much I may want to. And anyway now I'm back on medicine that I will probably lose it again so I guess I need to just suck it up and be ok with having short boy hair! Josh is so wonderful I asked him before I went if he would still like me with my hair short and he just laughed and said, "Carrie, if I haven't left you yet I don't think a hair cut is going to be the line in the sand!" I love that man! I came home and showed the girls, Abby said right away that she liked it, Elizabeth just stared at me and when I asked her if she liked it she just said, "you're not going to change any thing else are you? Like your style?" I am not really sure what that means...but she doesn't really like change too much! So here it is my new short hair... it is really strange I see this and don't know who this is!


  1. Oh my I have the best product you've got to try!!! Its perfect for short hair!!! Love it you are pretty with long or short hair. You can totally pull that off!

  2. I love your new do! Very cute on you.
