Sunday, September 9, 2012

We Have Got To Get Lazier Friends!

 Saturday late afternoon we went on a group date with some friends of ours. I love the date ideas that these guys come up with and in theory I think I can do reality my body can't keep up with them. So for the second time this week Josh and I were off on another bike ride...since the last one went so well! We rented Tandem bikes and went out for the best couples therapy Josh and I have had in a long time. This is a picture of all the girls.
 And this is a picture of all the guys...yes they can't follow simple instructions to stand in a line together. This was just a preview of the events to come!
 We started out a bit rocky...Josh yelled at me a few dozen times to start off the trip. On these bikes you have to work together and communicate with one was the communication that we struggled with at first. But we adjusted seats and got the hang of working together...somewhat!

 By the end of the trip I got tired and decided Josh could do the rest of the work. This is how we got the hang of working together. It really worked out better!!
 After the adventurous bike ride we all went out to dinner. It was a lot of fun. I love this group they can even make couples therapy seem like fun!  
After dinner the "little Andersen's" and us went to get ice cream at the BYU creamery! We couldn't go through all that work and not leave the night without some ice cream! I just can't wait to see what these guys come up with for our next group date!

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