Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Elizabeth's First Big School Project!

Elizabeth had her first BIG school project this last month! Well let me rephrase that Josh, Elizabeth and I had our first BIG school project this last month. I had no idea that I would hate school projects just as much as an adult then I did as a kid!  I guess with the girls getting older there is going to be much more of these projects to come! This one was on a country symbol. Elizabeth picked to focus on The White House. She had to build a 3D model of The White House and write a very short report on it. I decided that I would help with the report and Josh was in charge of the helping her build something. This worked out great. Josh has WAY more patience then me and the thought of building something with Elizabeth was I think going to push me over the edge! We had a very busy week the week that it was due so we had her finish everything a few days before it was due. This was great and she did such a good job. She built her White House out of sugar cubes and to top out of wood and colored in the windows with marker and the grass with green paper.
Elizabeth got full points for both the report and the building! She was very excited for her A+!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I am impressed. This really looks great. I am with you, Carrie. I hate school projects. That's why I never assign things like this to my kids. I'm sure this is just the beginning though. Good luck!
