Monday, August 17, 2009

Conversations With My Sweet Girls...

My girls have said some funny things lately and I need to write them down before I forget…

Elizabeth: How do babies get out of the mommies tummies?
Abigail (with all of her confidence and assurance): Sister, they come out of the donut!!
-Side note: She thinks that the belly button is called the donut!

My mom is sitting by the pool with her bathing suit on and watching the kids swim. Early that day she gave the girls a candy sucker, Elizabeth got a blue one.
Abigail: Oh no nana sister spilt her candy on your legs!
My mom reassured her that the blue lines on her legs were just varicose veins. Abby is still thinking that her sister may have had something to do with them.

Me: Abigail your shoes are on the wrong feet.
Abigail: That ok mom

Me: Abigail you peed in your pants.
Abigail: That ok mom it will dry.

Me: Abigail you don’t match
Abigail: That ok mom I look good!

Me: Hey Elizabeth I’m tired can you drive for me.
Elizabeth: You have to get a drivers license to drive mom.
Me: How do you know that?
Elizabeth: Mom, I learned it on Hannah Montana.
Me: Well when can you get a drivers license?
Elizabeth: I think when you’re older like 10!

Nana: Will you come and visit me when I’m old and can’t get out of bed?
Abigail: My dad can carry my mom from the car to the house.
Nana: Can your dad carry me?
Abigail: (After a long pause and a few non-reassuring faces) I….don’t know!

This video is of Abby. After sunday dinner at my sister's house she came home and started doing this! I honestly don't know where this kid came from!! Oh and PS she picked out her outfit, she thought that the boots really added to the whole look!!!


  1. Let me just say...I LOVE the outfit! This girl is an original!
    Amazing the things you can learn on Hannah Montana. I might need to start watching that...on a more regular basis.

  2. These comments are hilarious. I think we might have a doctor in the future. Abby seems to have everything under control. I think Elizabeth might be a teacher maybe even driver's ed. Thanks for blogging!

  3. that varicous vien comment is too funny. Kids say the darnest things!

  4. Tell ET that she didn't spill blue sucker all over my pretty legs either :) ugh... sometimes I hate being a girl!

    Syd and Sally are so much alike :) its ok Mom- no really it isn't, thats the point!
