Thursday, December 26, 2013
Pinterest Christmas Gifts...
So I have kind of gotten out of control this Christmas with Pinterest! I kept finding things on Pinterest that I would think I could do that....So here are some of my Christmas Pinterest Gifts I gave out....
This year Josh wanted to give out a gift to some of his friends so I ordered some Poo Pouri and made this tag for it!
I stole these pictures from Amy's blog. I saw this on Pinterest and thought..."Amy NEEDS this!"
This is the neighbor gift that my mom and us gave out to all of our neighbors....
I made this for my book club gift exchange party! It made me laugh...
Monday, December 23, 2013
Lindon Christmas Sing
This year I was smart and took ear plugs! So I can honestly say that it was a wonderful Christmas Sing! The orchestra also played and it was so awesome to see Elizabeth play again! I really do LOVE going to these school events...I just need to always remember to bring the ear plugs that way I enjoy it more!
Salt Lake City Lights!
We came up with the bright idea to take the train up to SLC....we thought that it would be fun for the is all I can say! We really should of checked to see what else was happening because, two games and a choir thing made for a VERY busy train ride. But I can say it was an experience...
It was pretty to see all the lights....
....and the kids loved to be with the cousins and Grandma and Grandpa!
It was pretty to see all the lights....
....and the kids loved to be with the cousins and Grandma and Grandpa!
Decorating of the Tree
Once again we only decorated one tree this year and the girls picked their tree to put up, and once again I was not allowed to touch ANYTHING! The girls did it ALL by themselves!
Seeing Santa
Our sweet neighbor invited to the girls to go with them to string town train and to see Santa the other night. And she sent me these pictures...
Winter Orchestra Performance
Christmas Piano Recital
The kids had their Christmas Piano Recital. It was so nice that Mark and Trudy could be up here for it. The girls really were VERY happy that they could come!
I love that all the kids take from the same teacher...that we get to see and be there for each of them! They did a wonderful job!
I love that all the kids take from the same teacher...that we get to see and be there for each of them! They did a wonderful job!
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Worlds Worst Christmas 2013!
According to Elizabeth this is the Worlds Worst Christmas EVER, and it's only the 13th of the month! This is what I had hanging on my clock on my desk this morning....
....Can you say dramatic! To really explain I will need to go back to the beginning of the school year. When Elizabeth wanted to play orchestra. None of us in this house really wanted her to do orchestra, because of the delightful person she becomes when you dare to ask her to practice ANYTHING! And I personally didn't want to fight with the kid, but she insisted that she wanted to, so Josh made the stipulation that she would have to have her Viola as her Christmas gift as well, so NOTHING for Christmas. So of course being a kid she agreed! Ok fast forward to December when the reality of NO Christmas gifts come into play (oh by the way I'm not that mean and did get her Christmas gifts, much to Josh's protests not to!)
Oh wait it gets worst... So Elizabeth is 9 she will be 10 in February and is in 4th grade. Most if not ALL of the kids in her class no longer believe in Santa. I didn't really think that she still believed....Oh was I ever wrong! So this Tuesday I went Visiting Teaching and we were talking about when their children learned about Santa not being real, so it was on my mind when later that day I was sitting in the car waiting for Abby to get out of piano just talking. And the subject of Santa came up! Elizabeth asked me if he was really real! The thoughts went through my head...How long do I keep lying to this stories keep getting bigger and bigger...She is probably old enough to know the are going to start making fun of this kid that insists that Santa is real, then I will be blamed for not telling her earlier... So, I told her the truth! And Oh my goodness the tears they came coming! Apparently I was wrong in my previous thought that she really didn't believe because WOW she did! So then she started putting two and two together and realized that EVERYTHING was not real! The list so far includes the Toothfairy, The Easter Bunny, The Leprechaun that comes and brings them stuff, and pretty much any talking animals, toys that talk and all fairy tales! She was so hysterical that I ended up taking her to see Josh at work and her talked to her and of course he was mad at me, apparently I was supposed to keep lying to her! Later she told me that I have RUINED HER CHILDHOOD! So now she is going through the 5 stages of grief! We have been through...denial, we are at ANGER and hopeful we will get to acceptance! Well I guess this is just one more thing that she can tell her therapist when she gets older, The Christmas that I ruined her childhood and CHRISTMAS!
P.S. She told me that we should not tell Abby because she deserves a happy childhood...but she is also upset and told my mom that she doesn't like keeping things from Abby they tell each other what it comes down to is that I am also ruining their relationship...Man I feel like mother of the year right now....I should of just kept lying to the kid!
....Can you say dramatic! To really explain I will need to go back to the beginning of the school year. When Elizabeth wanted to play orchestra. None of us in this house really wanted her to do orchestra, because of the delightful person she becomes when you dare to ask her to practice ANYTHING! And I personally didn't want to fight with the kid, but she insisted that she wanted to, so Josh made the stipulation that she would have to have her Viola as her Christmas gift as well, so NOTHING for Christmas. So of course being a kid she agreed! Ok fast forward to December when the reality of NO Christmas gifts come into play (oh by the way I'm not that mean and did get her Christmas gifts, much to Josh's protests not to!)
Oh wait it gets worst... So Elizabeth is 9 she will be 10 in February and is in 4th grade. Most if not ALL of the kids in her class no longer believe in Santa. I didn't really think that she still believed....Oh was I ever wrong! So this Tuesday I went Visiting Teaching and we were talking about when their children learned about Santa not being real, so it was on my mind when later that day I was sitting in the car waiting for Abby to get out of piano just talking. And the subject of Santa came up! Elizabeth asked me if he was really real! The thoughts went through my head...How long do I keep lying to this stories keep getting bigger and bigger...She is probably old enough to know the are going to start making fun of this kid that insists that Santa is real, then I will be blamed for not telling her earlier... So, I told her the truth! And Oh my goodness the tears they came coming! Apparently I was wrong in my previous thought that she really didn't believe because WOW she did! So then she started putting two and two together and realized that EVERYTHING was not real! The list so far includes the Toothfairy, The Easter Bunny, The Leprechaun that comes and brings them stuff, and pretty much any talking animals, toys that talk and all fairy tales! She was so hysterical that I ended up taking her to see Josh at work and her talked to her and of course he was mad at me, apparently I was supposed to keep lying to her! Later she told me that I have RUINED HER CHILDHOOD! So now she is going through the 5 stages of grief! We have been through...denial, we are at ANGER and hopeful we will get to acceptance! Well I guess this is just one more thing that she can tell her therapist when she gets older, The Christmas that I ruined her childhood and CHRISTMAS!
P.S. She told me that we should not tell Abby because she deserves a happy childhood...but she is also upset and told my mom that she doesn't like keeping things from Abby they tell each other what it comes down to is that I am also ruining their relationship...Man I feel like mother of the year right now....I should of just kept lying to the kid!
Saturday, December 7, 2013
A few days before Thanksgiving Josh and I went on a Cruise to Mexico while the girls stayed with Mark and Trudy. It was just a quick trip away, but we had so much fun! We left for Vegas on Friday night and stayed with Mark and Trudy for a night before Josh and I made our way down to California on Saturday. We stayed in a Double Tree and got cookies, yes I pick my hotel rooms according to the cookies given at check in!
And yes I ate both cookies, they had walnuts in them so Josh didn't want his! At check in I must of gotten so excited about my cookie that the girl at the front desk told me that I could have more if I wanted. Not wanting to look like a pig I declined, but honestly only because I knew that Josh wasn't going to want his! It was a good start to the vacation! That night we went out with my good friend from childhood Jenny and her cute little boy! We met them for dinner. After Josh even took me to a movie! Yes it was a "Christmas Miracle" that Josh sat through a movie and he even behaved! We saw the Hunger Games which I loved! The next morning we were off to the cruise, well first we had to stop by the office in California to use the computer to print off the boarding tickets and luggage tags...yes I was not prepared for this trip like other trips. I forgot everything including a camera. I had to use my phone which didn't take the best pictures but I got some!
While on the boat Josh and I went to all sorts of shows and games. And of course I LOVE BINGO! I know that I'm never going to win but I just LOVE playing. I think it's the OLD Lady in me that just can't get enough of it! And of course I'm always sad when I don't win, even though I know that I'm not going to...what can I say I'm a complicated individual! After losing the first couple of games I got mad and made Josh finish! He didn't win either! We also went on a tour of one of the kitchens and they had these amazing watermelons.

Our ONE stop was in Ensenada, Mexico. When we got off the boat we decided to do a tour that took us Zip Lining and then to the Blow Hole! Zip Lining was SO fun! I really don't care for heights much but LOVED every minute! We Zipped through 5 lines and crossed 4 bridges, that were less then easy to cross! There were a few times that I thought to myself, "what are we doing up here...this is crazy"! I laughed so much that day it was lots of fun.
Then it was off the the Blow Hole! Which we saw the last time we came here but it was fun to see it again. I thought that at least, because lets be honest I can't remember the last time we were here! We ate yummy taco's at the guides suggested place so that they were safe, and they were very good!
Every night for dinner we sat at a table of 6 with these two Great-Aunties that brought their Great-Niece and Nephew on this trip. These kids were so funny and the boy really took to Josh! We laughed and laughed at dinner with these very kind people. I love that about cruises, you meet the most fun people.
After to cruise we drove back to Vegas, but not before stopping at Miguel's Jr. Which I grew up with and LOVE, and josh just tolerates it for my sake!
While in Vegas we stayed down by the Strip at the Palsm Hotel and walked the strip with the girls. They wanted to go to the Paris, so that they could tell everyone that they went to Paris on their vacation!
Thanksgiving...Tippetts Style down at the church with the WHOLE family, well not all the Tippetts come but a big chunk of them show up.
They always have a jumping house and sumo suits for the kids to play with, and of course in true Tippetts style the adults have to try it out first!
The day after Thanksgiving we had the brilliant idea to take all the kids to see the new Disney Movie, which was so much fun to be with everyone, after of course we threatened a few of the kids lives to sit still and be quiet! Josh of course skipped out of this movie with the excuse of being sick!
It was a really fun week with family and just being with Josh is always fun for me!
And yes I ate both cookies, they had walnuts in them so Josh didn't want his! At check in I must of gotten so excited about my cookie that the girl at the front desk told me that I could have more if I wanted. Not wanting to look like a pig I declined, but honestly only because I knew that Josh wasn't going to want his! It was a good start to the vacation! That night we went out with my good friend from childhood Jenny and her cute little boy! We met them for dinner. After Josh even took me to a movie! Yes it was a "Christmas Miracle" that Josh sat through a movie and he even behaved! We saw the Hunger Games which I loved! The next morning we were off to the cruise, well first we had to stop by the office in California to use the computer to print off the boarding tickets and luggage tags...yes I was not prepared for this trip like other trips. I forgot everything including a camera. I had to use my phone which didn't take the best pictures but I got some!
While on the boat Josh and I went to all sorts of shows and games. And of course I LOVE BINGO! I know that I'm never going to win but I just LOVE playing. I think it's the OLD Lady in me that just can't get enough of it! And of course I'm always sad when I don't win, even though I know that I'm not going to...what can I say I'm a complicated individual! After losing the first couple of games I got mad and made Josh finish! He didn't win either! We also went on a tour of one of the kitchens and they had these amazing watermelons.

Our ONE stop was in Ensenada, Mexico. When we got off the boat we decided to do a tour that took us Zip Lining and then to the Blow Hole! Zip Lining was SO fun! I really don't care for heights much but LOVED every minute! We Zipped through 5 lines and crossed 4 bridges, that were less then easy to cross! There were a few times that I thought to myself, "what are we doing up here...this is crazy"! I laughed so much that day it was lots of fun.
Then it was off the the Blow Hole! Which we saw the last time we came here but it was fun to see it again. I thought that at least, because lets be honest I can't remember the last time we were here! We ate yummy taco's at the guides suggested place so that they were safe, and they were very good!
Every night for dinner we sat at a table of 6 with these two Great-Aunties that brought their Great-Niece and Nephew on this trip. These kids were so funny and the boy really took to Josh! We laughed and laughed at dinner with these very kind people. I love that about cruises, you meet the most fun people.
After to cruise we drove back to Vegas, but not before stopping at Miguel's Jr. Which I grew up with and LOVE, and josh just tolerates it for my sake!
While in Vegas we stayed down by the Strip at the Palsm Hotel and walked the strip with the girls. They wanted to go to the Paris, so that they could tell everyone that they went to Paris on their vacation!
Thanksgiving...Tippetts Style down at the church with the WHOLE family, well not all the Tippetts come but a big chunk of them show up.
They always have a jumping house and sumo suits for the kids to play with, and of course in true Tippetts style the adults have to try it out first!
The day after Thanksgiving we had the brilliant idea to take all the kids to see the new Disney Movie, which was so much fun to be with everyone, after of course we threatened a few of the kids lives to sit still and be quiet! Josh of course skipped out of this movie with the excuse of being sick!
It was a really fun week with family and just being with Josh is always fun for me!
The Colorado Plateau
Josh was out of town a couple of week ago and when he is out of town he usually brings back the girls a rock from where he was. That is if he remembers! Well, he had forgotten to get a rock while in California so while in Vegas he picked one up from his parents house to give to the girls. When he got home he presented the rocks to the girls. Elizabeth with wide eyes said, "WOW, did you get this from the Colorado Plateau?", which he wasn't even in Colorado so I don't really know why she thought that other then she was studying it in school! Josh just looked at her and said simply, "No I got it from grandma's front yard!" Yep way to kill the little girls dream Josh!!!
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Family Skate Night!
Oh the joys of the Lindon Elementary Family Skate Night! Thank heavens Amy was a good mom and took her camera and took LOTS of pictures and because of the great mother that I am I forgot! So I have become resourceful and stole a few of her pictures from her blog ...(Amy does this count as cutting and pasting your blog?)
I LOVE these ladies! Amy had us posing for MANY pictures! And because of the wonderful man Josh is he took them for us! And I also LOVE that "little" Andersen went skating with all the kids!
I did pull out my phone at the end of the night and snaped a picture of the girls as we were leaving! What a fun night of skating and hanging out with friends!
I LOVE these ladies! Amy had us posing for MANY pictures! And because of the wonderful man Josh is he took them for us! And I also LOVE that "little" Andersen went skating with all the kids!
I did pull out my phone at the end of the night and snaped a picture of the girls as we were leaving! What a fun night of skating and hanging out with friends!
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