Sunday, May 29, 2011

Spring Soccer Season

I don't know how we get talked into doing these things but yes we signed up for another season of soccer! This time it is out door and through the city of Lindon. Both girls are playing and we are spending our Wednesday nights at Abby's practice, Thursday nights at Elizabeth's practices and Saturdays at games!!! What parents do for their kids! Josh even got talked into being a co-coach for Elizabeth's team. (this is the part I will pause for a laugh) Well this year Elizabeth is doing much better. She no longer has tea parties in the goal during the game with other kids, she also doesn't ask to come out of the game (well not as much anyway), and she actually runs towards the ball and actually gets in there and kicks it and is doing pretty good, well when she isn't doing cartwheels on the field or dance moves and is watching the game! Baby steps with that one!

Abby on the other hand stands in the middle of the field and reaches out for me to come give her a hug in the middle of the game or she stops for pictures if I have a camera and am pointing it in her direction! The girls were talking the other day and Abby was asking Elizabeth why people didn't chase her in the games. Elizabeth then began to explain to Abby that she has to have the ball in order for people to chase her. I'm glad we are getting the basics of the game worked out! We only have a few more weeks of games and then we are done. Elizabeth this last week informed us that she doesn't want to play soccer next year. We asked her why and she said that it's too mean of a game and she is a nice person and doesn't want to be mean to other people even if it is part of the game! Well I think her soccer career is over after this season, I just don't know what sport we will find that you don't have to be "mean" in, at least according to Elizabeth!

1 comment:

  1. How funny! I loved soccer at these ages. The kids are so much fun to watch and their ideas are so funny.
