Thursday, June 12, 2014

Seven Peaks!

We haven't been to Seven Peaks Water Park since 2009! So I guess it was time. Our friends were going so we tagged along! We were there for like 5 1/2 hours and yes I was SO tired and in pain by the end. But the girls had fun so I guess that is all that really matters! I love that my girls are big enough to go on rides by themselves and just come and check in with me so I didn't feel like I had to worry too much about my kid drowning! They are good swimmers and are responsible kids.
1st lesson learned though...make sure we are all completely covered with sunscreen...I don't think I did a good job on everyone so parts of us are sun burned! Lesson learned we will do better next time! And despite the fact that I spent the rest of the day in bed and had to take some big girl pills to stop the pain...I think we will do this a few more times this was fun!

1 comment:

  1. Abby looks cold. Fun way to cool down with friends in the summer heat. Sunburns - not so fun. Yeah for sunscreen. That would be a good company to own stock in.
