Saturday, April 9, 2011

My Sweet Girls

We are getting ready for a baptism this morning and this is how our conversations went.... Elizabeth: "Mom can't you just wait until I'm eight?" Me: "I can't wait, are you excited?" Elizabeth: "Oh yes I want to get what happens when I get baptised?" Me: "Well you become accountable for everything you do and you become a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!" Elizabeth: "Oh I want to be a new member and be introduced....(Long pause)...but does that mean I have to stop yelling at Abby?" Me: "Yes, Why don't you stop yelling at her now!" Elizabeth: (LONG PAUSE)...."No I can wait when I'm 8!" Me: "Abby you are so pretty. Do you know that you are so pretty?" Abby: "Yes I do!"
Me: "How do you know that?"

Abby: "I just am!"

I love these two so much and I didn't want to forget these two conversations!


  1. I wouldn't want to forget them either. Elizabeth doesn't want to do anything too rash, too fast. She has one more year to yell at Abby. You'll be doing good if you convince her at that time it has to stop. Love Abby's new haircut. She is pretty - just because! They are both such beautiful little girls. Thanks for sharing the pictures and stories.

  2. Those girls are so cute! They say the funniest things...I miss them.

    And did you seriously chop abbys beautiful long curly hair??????????? nnnnnnooooooooooo

  3. Love it!! They're both too cute. and very cute dresses! When are we going to Leatherby's?!
